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Sunday, December 18, 8 and 10 am Worship Lessons and Carols

Today is the fourth Sunday in Advent and we celebrate Lessons and Carols, a uniquely Anglican Worship at 10 am. Father Buckley leads the worship services and celebrates Holy Eucharist at both 8 and 10 am . The 10 am service (only) includes hymns, handbell and vocal choirs. We continue to stream our virtual services on Facebook Live. The Gospel Reading is Matthew 1:18-25. Please join us after the 10:00 service for our fabulous “More than Coffee Hour.” The children and youth meet in Rand Hall at 10 am for Sunday School.

December 11

Sunday, December 11, 3 pm Blue Christmas Service

December 24

Saturday, December 24, 7 pm Christmas Eve Family Worship