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Saturday, February 4, Messy Church, 5-7:30 pm

Our first ever—Messy Church— is an intergenerational program designed for the family and Parish that steps away from traditional worship. Each program is unique —-tonight we explore God’s creation through the stars and heavens. Guest speaker, Hank Maust, will guide us through the skies with telescopes, binoculars and software that focuses on the constellations, stars and planets. There will be related creative activities and singing with a light dinner and dessert. Bring your friends and come for a heavenly evening! While not absolutely necessary, we would love an RSVP to the Church office 631.286.0299. It makes the dinner planning easier. Thank you!

February 2

Thursday, February 2, 7 pm, Movie Night!

February 5

Sunday, February 5, 8 and 10 am Worship